Athletic News! Big Red Recap(8-20-24): The Lady Big Red volleyball teams sprung into action on Monday night as they hosted Shelby in their season openers. All 3 teams (freshman, JV, and Varsity) competed hard but fell to the Whippets in straight sets. They will all be right back in action tonight as they host South Central to open up conference play with the freshman getting things started at 4:30pm. The golf team was also in action on Monday as they hosted Mapleton in conference play. The Big Red shot their lowest team score of the year of 198 as they fell to the Mounties 173-198. Colton Hass led the way for the Big Red with a 43 followed by Cole Back's 45. They drop to 1-7 overall on the season and 0-4 league matches. They will be back in action tomorrow traveling to New London.
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
big red recap
Big Red Family! This is just a reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, August 23rd. Thank you!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
no school friday august 23 with viking logo
Athletic News! Athletic Season Passes/Ticket Prices: The fall sports season is officially underway and regular season events begin this week for most of our teams and sports. Please see the attached season pass and ticket price information. Season passes can be purchased in the HS office during school hours from 7:30am-3:30pm everyday. Passes will need to be purchased by 3pm on Friday in order to be on the pass list for Friday night's game. Student pre-sale tickets can also be purchased in the HS office during school hours. Student pre-sale tickets are $4 and are good for ALL home events as well as away conference events. These tickets save students $3 AND the money stays in-house. Go Big Red!!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
admission prices 24-25
Athletic News Week of 8/19/24! Monday 8/19: Golf home vs Mapleton at Woody Ridge 4pm Freshman/JV/Varsity Volleyball home vs Shelby 4:30pm Tuesday 8/20: Freshman/JV/Varsity Volleyball home vs South Central 4:30pm Wednesday 8/21: Golf at New London at Millstone Hills GC 4pm MS Volleyball at South Central 5pm Thursday 8/22: Golf at Willard GC vs Willard and Shelby 4:15pm Freshman/JV/Varsity Volleyball at Lucas 4:30pm MS Football home scrimmage vs Fredericktown 5pm Friday 8/23: Varsity Football home vs Oberlin 7pm Saturday 8/24: Cross Country at Seneca East Tiger Invite 8:30am
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
athletic week of 8-19 schedule
Big Red Family! Welcome Aboard Ms. Kelsey Weaver! We would like to take this time to WELCOME Ms. Weaver to our school district. We wanted to share with our community the good news! We are glad that you are here Kelsey! :-)
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Welcome to Kelsey Weaver with viking logo
Big Red Family! Thank you to everyone that commented or liked our Throwback Thursday from yesterday! Here is your answer: 1994-1995 school year, Yearbook Staff We look forward to reminiscing next Thursday with all of you! 😀
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
1994-1995 yearbook staff
Big Red Family! #STOPmeansSTOP for school buses! Stay alert and know when to stop: On a two or three lane road – drivers on BOTH SIDES of the road must stop when a bus is dropping off or picking up students. On roads with four or more lanes – drivers traveling the opposite direction of the bus DO NOT have to stop. Yellow Lights on a school bus mean drivers should prepare to stop. If you’re driving, slow down, stay alert, and watch out for children. When you see a stop sign: #STOPmeansSTOP for school buses!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
stop means stop school buses
PHS News! Yesterday in Ms. DeLauder's Stats class., students were working on a small lab activity.
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
students in stats class
students in stats class
students in stats class
Athletic News! Volleyball Change! St. Pete's informed us today that they will not be able to play us in volleyball on Monday. They were just now able to secure a coach and have not even started practices yet. So we will now host Shelby in a tripleheader starting with freshmen at 4:30pm followed by JV and Varsity.
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
change with viking logo
Big Red Family! Throwback Thursday Times have changed, but the Plymouth Shiloh community will always be home. Inspired by the yearbook pictures of past years, we will have Throwback Thursdays. See if you can guess the school year, student(s) and/or staff pictured. We will give the correct answer on Fridays. 😃
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Throwback Thursday viking logo
1994-1995 yearbook staff
Big Red Recap: The Big Red golf team got to spend the first day of school on the golf course as they competed in the annual Shelby Matchplay Invite at Shelby Crossing. The Big Red matched up against St. Pete's in the opening match and came away with their first win of the season and their first win in the matchplay event in several seasons. They then fell to Bellevue in the 2nd match ending the day going 1-1. They will have the rest of the week off before hosting Mapleton on Monday back in league play. The JV and Varsity volleyball teams traveled to Fredericktown for their final pre-season tune up in a scrimmage against the Freddies. They will now prepare for their season opener next Monday when they host St. Pete's.
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
recap viking logo
Big Red Family! Welcome Aboard Mr. Ben Schaad! We would like to take this time to WELCOME Ben to our school district. We wanted to share with our community the good news! We are glad that you are here!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
b schaad welcome
Big Red Family! "OTSO is introducing a new public awareness campaign to remind drivers about Ohio’s school bus traffic safety laws. The message is focused on the school bus stop law, which requires drivers to stop for school buses when they are picking up or dropping off children." Please help us keep our children SAFE! STOP means STOP!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Big Red Family! …And they are off!!! Students are ready for the first day of school! So glad to see all the smiling faces this morning! 😁
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
students getting off bus
students walking into school
students getting off bus
students getting off bus
students walking into school
students getting off bus
Big Red Family! Last night was our District Open House. We are so pleased with the amazing turnout we had for the evening! Here are a few pictures from last night! 😊
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
entering elementary
elementary classroom
Express OH
PHS open house
cross country team
Athletic News! Big Red Recap: The golf team took on Crestview on Tuesday at Woody Ridge and fell to the Cougars by a team score of 176-206. They drop to 0-5 overall in matches and 0-3 in the league. Colton Hass led the way individually with a 43. They are right back in action today competing in the annual Shelby Matchplay Invite at Shelby Crossing.
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
recap viking logo
Big Red Family! We are so glad that you are here! Let's make it a GREAT year!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
first day pencil and apple
Elementary News! The Elementary would like to take this time to say WELCOME BACK! Please see the attached letter from the Elementary. Have a GREAT year!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
welcome back elementary
Big Red Family! Please see the attached information in regards to start, tardy, and end times for each building for the 2024-2025 school year. Preschool - AM session, 7:45 AM - 10:40 AM PM session, 11:45 AM - 2:25 PM Elementary - Start 7:50 AM, Tardy 7:51 AM, End 2:35 PM Middle School - Start 7:45 AM, Tardy 7:46 AM, End 2:45 PM High School - Start 7:45 AM, Tardy, 7:46 AM, End 2:45 PM
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Attention viking logo
Big Red Family! TOMORROW is the big day! The first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year begins, August 14, 2024! Make it a GREAT year!
7 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
welcome back chalkboard