Athletic News! In August, both the middle school and high school volleyball teams participated in their annual servathon. This fundraiser requires each player to set goals for themselves, receive pledges per serve in bounds, or a flat donation amount. The money raised goes to future purchases of uniforms, equipment, and training camps. This year our donations/ pledges were so generous and the volleyball staff sincerely appreciates your support, and we would like that thank you for allowing us to continue to grow. We would also like to congratulate our 2024 top servathon earner, Freshman, Sienna Kennison. Congratulations Sienna & Go Big Red
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Athletic News! Week 6 Gameday! Good luck to the Big Red tonight as they are back on the road traveling to Mapleton to continue firelands conference play. Kickoff is set for 7pm at Mapleton High School. Tonight is Mapleton's homecoming with festivities beginning around 6:20pm. As always, student pre-sale tickets can be purchased in the HS office until the end of the school day for $4. All tickets at the gate will be $7. Also, good luck to our Volleyball and Cross Country teams as they will both be in action on Saturday morning! Volleyball will host Hillsdale while Cross Country will make the short trip over to Buckeye Central for their invitational. Go Big Red!!
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Big Red Family! The volleyball middle school and high school participated in a lock-in last Friday night. The girls enjoyed pizza and snacks, glow volleyball, games, and hanging out with their teammates. It was a great time and some great team bonding. 😊
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
volleyball students
volleyball students
volleyball students
volleyball students
volleyball students
Big Red Family! Announcing your 2024 Homecoming Court for PHS! Freshman - Desean Winfield and Bella James Sophomore - Lincoln Distl and Makayla Cunningham Junior - Jarrett Burrer and Autumn Roberts Seniors - Zach Miller, Christian Conklin, Matthew Gillum, Colton Hass (Kayden Oney stepped in for today for Colton) Kyrsten Caudill, Kansas Huston, Katelyn Swingle, Kristen Swingle Congratulations to everyone! GO BIG RED!
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
homecoming chair crown sash
homecoming group of students
homecoming underclassmen
homecoming seniors
homecoming students
homcoming boys
homecoming students
homecoming students
Athletic News! Big Red Recap: It was another eventful Thursday for our Big Red fall sports teams. It started during the day as the golf team competed in the division 3 sectional tournament at Valley View GC. While unfortunately the season came to a close as no one was able to advance it was another positive performance and evidence of their continued improvement throughout the season. Colton Hass led the way for the Big Red with an 85 while Cole Back followed with a 97. Carson Lewis (103), Lucas Distl (108), and Trevor Furr (134) rounded it out for the Big Red as they shot a team score of 393 which was good for 8th place in the 12 team sectional. Congratulations to the Big Red on the improvement they showed throughout the season! The MS Volleyball teams hosted New London and came away with a sweep of the Wildcats both winning in straight sets to continue their good seasons. They will be back in action on Monday when they travel to Mapleton. The JV and Varsity Volleyball teams traveled to New London and both fell to the Wildcats. The JV team forced 3 games before the varsity fell in straight sets. They will be right back in action tomorrow morning hosting Hillsdale in non-league action. The MS Football team hosted Mapleton and lost another tough game to the Mounties. They will look to rebound next week when they take on Crestview.
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
recap viking logo
Big Red Family! Thank you to everyone that commented or liked our Throwback Thursday from yesterday! Here is your answer: 1995-1996 school year, Marching Band We look forward to reminiscing next Thursday with all of you! 😀
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
95-96 band members 2
Big Red Family! We are excited to announce that we have purchased a new victory bell for Alumni Field! This bell is placed in the south end zone near the flag pole and will be for all athletic events held on Alumni Field! This will help alleviate safety concerns regarding students and athletes running through the parking lots to the front of the school after games. This bell was purchased with funds left by former senior classes with the help of the Athletic Booster Club. Thank you to everyone involved! Thank you to Matt Montgomery and the maintenance crew for their help with restoring it and painting it making it all Big Red!! Let’s ring that bell! Go Big Red!!
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
victory bell
victory bell
Athletic News! WEEK 6 for the Big Red is tomorrow at Mapleton, Friday, September 27th! Go Big Red!
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
week 6 football player
Big Red Family! Throwback Thursday Times have changed, but the Plymouth Shiloh community will always be home. Inspired by the yearbook pictures of past years, we will have Throwback Thursdays. See if you can guess the school year, student(s) and/or staff pictured. We will give the correct answer on Fridays. 😃
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
Throwback Thursday viking logo
95-96 band members
SMS News! Attention Middle School Parents who do not already have a Progressbook account. Mrs. Montgomery sent you an email with this step- by-step instruction sheet with your child's registration key to allow your access to grades, attendance, and more.
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
progressbook letter pg1
progressbook letter pg2
Big Red Family! We have some of the best staff around! And to acknowledge our wonderful staff we are doing staff spotlights to share with all of you. We appreciate everything Mr. Anderson does for our students in our district. You are the BEST Matt! Thank you for everything you do!
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
anderson big red pride spotlight
ESports News! The High School Esports team has their first Valorant competition tonight after school. If you didn't bring your gaming equipment to school, please make arrangements to get that taken care of before the end of the day. If anyone on the team has any questions, reach out to Coach Owen during the day today on Discord. Middle School practice is virtual tonight from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
SMS PHS esports with viking logo controller
Athletic News! Winter Sports Schedule Release and Information! September and the fall sports season is flying by and as we are looking forward to the remainder of the fall season. The winter season is looming and approaching quickly. Complete winter sports game and event schedules are attached to this post below. We will post updates as we approach the season if there are any changes made. Below is some additional information and important dates for the beginning of the winter season. Mandatory Parent/Team Meetings - Wednesday 10/23 6pm Athletes who did not play a fall sport need to be in attendance for both portions of the meeting along with a parent/guardian starting at 6pm. Athletes and parents who attended the fall meeting only need to attend the individual team meetings that will begin around 6:45pm. Mandatory Practice start dates: Monday 10/21 - MS girls basketball Friday 10/25 - HS girls basketball Monday 10/28 - MS boys basketball Friday 11/1 - HS boys basketball Friday 11/15 - HS and MS wrestling Go Big Red!!
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
hs wrestling schedule 24-25
ms wrestling schedule 24-25
jv v girls basketball schedule 24-25
jv v boys basketball schedule 24-25
freshman basketball schedule 24-25
ms girls basketball schedule 24-25
ms boys basketball 24-25
Athletic News! Big Red Recap: The JV and Varsity Volleyball teams were the only Big Red teams in action on Tuesday night as they hosted Monroeville and both fell in straight sets to the high-powered Eagles. They will both be right back in action on Thursday traveling to New London.
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
recap viking logo
Esports News! MS Esports practice tonight! They are grinding away and have their first match against Buckeye Central next Tuesday. 🎮
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
esports team SMS
Athletic News! Big Red Recap: The MS Volleyball teams were the only teams in action on Monday night as they traveled to Monroeville and came away with a split with the Eagles. The 7th grade lost while the 8th grade completed the season sweep with another exciting win over the Eagles. Both teams will be back in action on Thursday when they host New London.
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
sms volleyball players
sms volleyball players
ESports News! Tuesday, 9/24 PHS Esports will practice virtually today from 6:00 - 8:00pm SMS Esports will practice in person today from 3 - 4:30pm
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
SMS PHS esports with viking logo controller
SMS News! Here are some flowers to brighten your day from the 5th grade! 🌻
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
flowers 5 th grade
flowers 5th grade
flowers 5th grade
flowers 5th grade
Art Club News! Attention Shiloh Middle School Art Club! The first Art Club meeting will be this Friday, September 27th from 3:00-4:00 pm. right after school.
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
art club news with art supplies and viking logo
Big Red Family! Welcome Aboard Ms. Woodward! We would like to take this time to WELCOME Ms. Woodward to our school district. We wanted to share with our community the good news! We are glad that you are here Dawnitta! 🙂
6 months ago, Plymouth Shiloh Local Schools
dwoodward welcome with info and viking logo